
Showing posts from 2021

How to download web images sequentially by name

How to download web images sequentially by name? Well, this is very easy to achieve with Web Dumper actually. In fact, you can download entire Websites of the Internet, and save them on your hard drive for later offline browsing. The downloaded web sites are saved on your hard drive with their directory structure intact by default. Indeed, Web Dumper automatically downloads HTML documents along with their embedded pictures, sounds, movies, and so on while it screens them to look for any enclosed links to other documents. But what if you want to download sequences of documents, pictures, or directories? Web Dumper supports that too. It is known as 'Incremental or sequential Download'. In other words, you can also use Web Dumper to fetch contents from the web, not only by using an HTML index file but also directly by name! Let's see how you can do that! You have probably seen directories or files named by number or a word followed by a number like '/01/pict1.jpg', &#

How to send Styled Text bulk email

How to send Styled Text bulk email. MaxBulk Mailer supports several message formats. One of them is the Styled Text format. It is one of my favorites because of its simplicity. Indeed, anyone can use it without any previous knowledge. With MaxBulk Mailer , when you need to deliver a message to your contacts you have the choice between several formats. You can send your email in Plain Text, Styled Text, HTML, or even using the Markdown format. Depending on the type of message, a format can be better than other. The Plain Text format is simple but quite limited, the Styled Text format is also very easy to use but allows styles, HTML allows you to send amazing emails but it is a bit more complex and Markdown is great but needs you to know the format. What is the Styled Text format The Styled Text format is a text format that allows formatting and styles. Unlike the Plain Text format, you are allowed to use bold, italic, underline, colors, different text sizes, and whatever font supported

How to create an Account Set in iCash

How to create an Account Set in iCash? It turns out that when you create a new iCash document you have the choice between creating either a blank document or a document with a predetermined set of categories and accounts. You can even import the categories and the accounts from another document. Two sets are available by default, the Home and the Office sets. Actually, those sets were created and added to iCash to save you time and to get you started. I believe it is a good idea to create your own sets of accounts if you plan to create new iCash documents frequently. This article shows you how to do that in a few easy steps. The new document window When you create a new iCash document, you first choose a name. Right after you get a window where you can choose an account set, import the accounts and the categories from another iCash document, or create a blank document. We will now create a new account set and add it to the list. It will appear along with the ' Home ' and 

How to take advantage of Budgets in iCash

Budgets - One great feature of iCash is the ability to create a budget. A budget is basically a kind of projection of how much money you will spend or earn during a period of time in the future. I believe it is highly probable you already have created budgets in some way or another. Indeed, anytime you figure out how much money you will have left at the end of the month after paying your bills, you are creating a budget. You use budgets to estimate future income and expenses and create "what if?" scenarios. As time goes by, you may create reports to compare actual incomes and expenses with your budget and find deviations. Typically you create a budget for a specified period of time. At the end of that period, you can then compare your actual expenses and earnings with your predicted budget numbers. This can give you a good measure of the health of your economy. iCash budgeting is quite straightforward since you can simply take advantage of the data you have already provided

How to send appealing eye-catching advertising emails

How to send appealing eye-catching advertising emails? This is a question you asked yourself for sure. Well, welcome to the world of email marketing. When launching MaxBulk Mailer you have seen that all you get is a blank document created automatically for you by the application, the place where your message is supposed to be composed. I guess that at this very early stage you may feel a bit lost or overcome, especially when it comes to filling up that blank document and creating an e-mail marketing message for the very first time. In this short tutorial, I will try to explain, in layman terms, how to pass this stage successfully and how to send appealing eye-catching advertising emails, like the one below, with MaxBulk Mailer. How to send appealing eye-catching advertising emails? With MaxBulk Mailer, you can actually send the same kind of messages you already receive from your favorite online shops and services. However you may send beautiful flyers or really ugly stuff, you are the

Adding transactions to iCash - Tips and tricks

Adding transactions to iCash is certainly something you will do very often. It is a boring and repetitive task but, are you sure you are using the software to its full potential? Actually, iCash can help you a lot with that as well! Transactions are the base for moving money between accounts. You have to input your stuff the best as you can since everything depends on the quality and the accuracy of the data you enter. Reports and charts are as good as the data you type. Queries return as much information as what you have added in the first place. Above all, take your time, check the data you type, add as much information as you, and take advantage of all the great iCash features. Adding transactions to iCash can be done in many ways but did you know iCash also assists you in order to get it done faster and better? This post shows you how to optimize data input by using the iCash built-in functions, enjoy! Transaction input fields autocompletion Autocompletion is a feature in which i

How to add an unsubscribe link to your messages

How to add an unsubscribe link to your messages? MaxBulk Mailer allows you to add an unsubscribe link to your messages quite easily. Actually, there are several ways to do it. Choosing the best method mostly depends on the size of your list, the email delivery frequency, and how much of it you want to automate. It turns out you can handle unsubscribe requests either manually or thru a script hosted on your website. Handling unsubscribes manually is fine if you use small lists and you want to have full control over every single request. If you use a script you can automate the process though. As said, it depends on your list size and if you have some time to spend installing and setting a script on your server. Before entering the technical aspect of this matter, let's go thru the basics. Why should you provide an unsubscribe link? Anybody that receives a message, including yourself, expects that this message provides a standard way to unsubscribe. Furthermore, in many countries, i

How to start and grow an email list the right way

How to start and grow an email list the right way with MaxBulk Mailer ? It comes out that building a list is one of the most important things in email marketing . You can't do anything without a list of subscribers and you can do very little with a bad quality list. Creating and growing a list is something you have to do very carefully and in a very well-organized way. Well, at least if you want results! Getting an email list to Get Started Getting a list together is actually much easier than it sounds. If you have a customer database then that should be the first place you start. Similarly, if you have a membership database, use that. If you have been selling in the physical world — for example, a law firm or a dentist — and you hadn't been in the practice of asking clients or patients for their e-mail addresses, then the time has come to start. If your business is not the kind that's inclined to having lists of interested parties — such as online publishing, consulting or

How to edit recipients in MaxBulk Mailer - Tips and tricks

This post shows 10 great tips for editing recipient's email addresses with MaxBulk Mailer . Editing a selection of recipients It is very easy to edit a selection of recipients. Here is how: So, in conclusion, to edit recipients: - Select several recipients (SHIFT or CMD/ALT click to select several). - Select the 'Recipients > Edit' menu OR the contextual 'Edit' menu. - Enter the new text into the field and click on OK. - In order to delete data/clear cells, just check the field to delete any data from. Editing a single recipient and navigate through the whole list Using a similar aproach we can start by editing one single recipient? Here is how: So, in order to navigate through a list with a single selected recipient: - Select one recipient. - Select the 'Recipients > Edit' menu or the Contextual 'Edit' menu. - Enter some data. - You can go up (Up key) and down (Down key) in the list or with the mouse wheel/trackpad gesture. - Changed are auto